Monday, October 28, 2019

October 28th-November 2nd

This week, has us watching The Outsiders film. We will be comparing the novel to the movie and discussing the similarities and differences. We will continue to work on the chapter questions and TIC TAC TOE project, which are both due on Friday

Later in the week, we will work on reviewing elements of a short story and read one of Edgar Allan Poe's most famous short stories. 

Image result for edgar allan poe

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

October 22nd-25th

We are almost done our first novel, The Outsiders! 

8BI - we will finish reading the book Tuesday and Wednesday. We are scheduled to watch the movie on Monday next week. More info to come! The Outsiders questions and TIC TAC TOE projects due, Friday, November 1st. 

8MI - we are working on our projects Wednesday and Thursday and will be watching the movie on Friday. Remember to bring in a snack to share for the movie watching Friday afternoon! The Outsiders questions and TIC TAC TOE projects due, Friday, November 1st. 

Image result for the outsiders pictures

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15th-18th

This week, 8MI will finish The Outsiders; 8BI is a few blocks behind and will finish next week! We will continue to have discussions about the novel, compete assigned chapter questions and work on the Tic Tac Toe project. All students need to make sure that they are keeping up with the assigned tasks. 

Image result for the outsiders

After we are done the novel, we will get to watch the 1983 film adaptation! 

Monday, October 7, 2019

October 7th- October 11th

This week, we will continue to work on reading The Outsiders. We will be reading chapters 6,7 and 8 and working on the chapter comprehension questions. The final project, TIC TAC TOE, has been posted on Google Classroom. You will be choosing 3 assignments to complete between now and the end of the novel. 

On Tuesday, we will have a chapter 1-6 quiz, with the remaining class time used for catch up work. 

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March 9th-13th

This week, we are continuing our novel study, Refugee. You will have to complete Vocabulary Activity #5 by Friday. Please continue to work ...